Lynth Update 3

Progress is starting to run much more smoothly as the team falls into a rhythm. We are the closest we’ve ever been to having a viable storyboard animatic sketched out and now have a few members working on 3d animatic blocking. We still have some story kinks to work out and several artists have been going off script in confusing and un-discussed ways for storyboard panels which needs to be mended in some way to make the storyboard more coherent but it will all come with time. We are still having a problem with some members ignoring deadlines and leaving others to pick up the slack in a panic last minute which is priority number 1 to fix. Honestly I’m still impressed that we managed to get anything pulled together by now.

We have been starting to narrow down desired render and anatomical style desires and have been doing research on the best methods of executing said techniques. With the film centering around forest fires, some members of the team will be meeting with an expert to discuss information such as fire behavior and proper procedures firefighters take when dealing with fires.

We also have a decided upon character design for one of our human characters and will be working o making 2D renders of him in the type of style we are aiming for. The Lynth is still in progress and will be getting our favorite traits from several different interpretations to hopefully go on to a final design.

Here are some storyboards and concept art I’ve been working on for the project during the past couple weeks.


Lynth Update 4


Lynth Update 2