Lynth Update 2

My section of a beatboard made for the Lynth short film. Panels detail the proposition of one of three ending options where the lynth reaches a peaceful end in the face of a rainstorm and is turned to stone. The image shifts to show that time has passed and nature is flourishing. An unseen spirit of the lynth puts out a cigarette of a person making a similar mistake that he made.

We’ve definitely met some bumps in the road right off the bat but I feel like we’re starting to get somewhere. Still need better communication and for everyone to hit their deadlines but one hurdle at a time. It at least informed me of changes I need to make to our due date policies to avoid stressing out the honorary animatic editor with a bunch of work to do at the very last second.

For the next week we will be working on making more cohesive versions of the endings that have been proposed to the group so that we can hopefully have everyone in agreement and settled on an ending so we can move forward into having a more complete and cohesive animatic. Both endings have some pretty solid strong points so I know it will be just fine either way. At the same time some of us will be working on redesigning characters as well as props and landscapes and compare and contrast what works and what doesn’t from everyone’s designs.


Lynth Update 3


Project Showcase- The Lynth