Lynth Update 5

Story progress is going smoothly and our storyboard has been becoming more and more coherent with each pass. This was the first week since starting that all storyboard artists actually turned their boards in on time, granted not fully finished but at least they were turned in at all.

With our animatic finally becoming something we can understand, several of us have now started to create some 3D blocking reference in UE5 using the mocap equipment at our disposal. It was a lot more tiring than I was expecting but getting to do some mocap acting was pretty fun and should hopefully provide us with some useful data for setting up our cameras and seeing how well they work.

I’ve been spending a lot of time trying to find helpful resources regarding UE for my teammates that have never used it before so that they aren’t so scared of it and so apprehensive to touch it. Hopefully what I’m sharing is actually helpful but I don’t think anyone’s even clicking on them. Oh well at least I tried. I’ve also been looking into options of distorting meshes to the camera as an option to add for creepiness factor in case anyone’s interested. It’s pretty evenly split on opinions right now and is just gonna need to be visualized in order to come to a consensus.

Something interesting we’ve started doing is taking down some more in depth visual documentation as we work on things in case we decide to make a sort of “documentary” about our process and the creation of our short. Not sure if any of it will actually be used especially because it’s being filmed on phones (it’s almost like we’re broke college students) but you never know.

Really hoping we can get ourselves to a good place by the time summer hits because I do not foresee many members being willing to work on it during the break.


Hard at work


Lynth Update 4