Lynth Update #13

We have finally reached a point where almost all of our blocking shots are ready to be moved forward to receive rough animation. We are moving viable ones forward while we also have a few people making the last minor adjustments to previous shots. Now that I managed to block out the last two shots that had no 3d iteration, we have at least made it to the point where we no longer have any 2d storyboard shots in our animatic. One of my teammates was thrilled about how I cut on action in one of the shots.

We wanted to have all of our blocking shots into Unreal Engine by today but thanks to technical issues that we are now trying to figure out, and the weather removing us from the workspace, we didn’t quite hit that. We have some of our blocking caches imported just not all of them like we wanted.

I have also been adding rough animation to one of our shots over the week. It’s a very complex shot compared to some of the others and has been proving to be a bit of a challenge. I sometimes find myself feeling stuck and not knowing how to make the animation look better. I know as I keep progressing the shot I will start to feel better about it but for right now I’m struggling to get over the discouragement of the ugly phase. I’ve also been able to get a lot of helpful tips from my animation professor- especially regarding the camera work which I find to be incredibly difficult. I think some of his tips will prove to be really helpful for us throughout our entire film.

Over the next week I’m planning to remake some shots that had complications from another teammate as well as adding in some rough animation to another shot that Emphasizes the monster. Both blocking shots are pretty simple so I don’t anticipate them taking very long and the shot that needs more animation is in pretty good standing as it is so it shouldn’t take much either. If I find myself getting through them quickly I will go ahead and take on more but I want to make sure I can handle it first.


Lynth Update #14


Lynth Update #12